22 October 2011

Jayesslee. ♥

The first video of them, Officially Missing You. :D

The very first time been to a concert.

Went this concert which held at PWTC KL and I almost get lost when taking train. -.-
Fml. I hate Malaysia Railway System. ;(

Oh well, the concert is kinda different like what we always watch on the TV.
Most of the audiences were just sit on the seats and listen to Jayesslee quietly.
No screaming, no jumping, no shouting and no throwing flowers when they were singing.
It was a relaxing concert. :)

The song that I love the most, Coming Home. ♥

Too bad that there's no photography and video is allowed during the concert. :(
So yeah, not much pictures, I have only these.

Guess I saw who ?
蓝乔 of Nasi Lemak 2.0. LOL!
Spot him, the violinist. ;D

12.45am. Goodnights peeps! ;)