05 April 2012

Mirror dance?

Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?

Mirror Mirror.
Everyone knows about Snow White. She, is the Snow White. :)
Lily Collins, one of the main actress in Mirror Mirror.
I like her, but I'm so fail cuz I can't recognize her out in this show. ;( #dafuq

She acts in Abduction and Priest too.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much different! :O

Okay, back to the movie.
As I said before, I want to watch Snow White and The Huntsman more than Mirror Mirror.
Too bad that the one I wanted to watch hasn't release, so :/

Hmmm, the movie too much effects? Yeah, kinda.
But it's a fairy tale so effects is a must right? Loll.
By the way I love the dwarfs. They are so cute. :DDD

Rating: 3.0/5.0

And one more thing, the ending song of the show. It was epic. LOL!

I believe I believe I believe I believe I believe...

Street Dance 2.

So, it released. I chose to watch it first instead of We Not Naughty, I don't know why. -.-
I want to watch We Not Naughty! :(

I still prefer Step Up series, hope Step Up 4 won't disappointing me. :)

What I can say after watched this movie is, I want to go backpack vacation in Europe especially France!
OMG. France is like my dream country.
I will work hard on my French Language, I swear.

They look so beautiful when dance in front of Eiffel Tower. ♡

Rating: 3.5/5.0

