21 December 2012


Hello peeps! We're all still alive. Yay!
So this is the day which people are all talking about - end of the world 21st od December 2012.
Haha! End up w/ works at the end, what a joke.
Well, I'm still happy that I'm still here to blog cuz I don't wanna die at the age of 19.  NOOO!

Still exciting about xmas but everything changed after discussing through whatsapp just now, no ones is supporting my pressie exchange session. Tell me WHYYYYYYYY T_____________T
One of them said got no money to buy pressie, but they are planning to buy beer for celebration on 24th.
Okay, another joke. Hahaha.

Frankly, I'm super down on this cuz I thought I can have some fun w/ 'em for this year.
They just wanted to eat steamboat and beer after that in a house.
This is just like our routine, we did it almost every week last time.
Why nothing special on Christmas 2012? WHYYY
Hmmm fine cuz I guess everyone thinks that I'm so lebih to have that lame pressie exchange session.
It's okay...

I still feel sad, I thought too much.
How I wish I was in some foreign country and live w/ those super friendly ang moh housemates & everyone just gets excited during every special day like what we always seen on tv.
Just simply awesome right? :')

That's one of the reason I so wanna move in to my new hostel room next week cuz I want to make new friends.
Yesh, I'll be having new housemates and they're kinda friendly. ;)
Hope that we can mix well live together.

What a disappointed night, good night.

And I've hurt myself...