.Quote of the day.
Friends are like stars. Those real ones, those who care, those who will be there for you will not fall, but for those who aren't will. ♥
What you think about me ?
I mean my personality.
Tell me your answer in chatbox before you read the text below.
Well, guess why I ask this question ?
Let me tell you about it.
It is because of I just realize that I'm such an untrustable person for some people. :(
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad! :'(
I heard from my colleague, she told me that my class rap ain't trusting me.
Hmmm, okay. My first response was ‘I don't ask him to trust me also.’
But still, I do care.
Mind keeps rewinding about this, keep thinking.
Never mind, I'm fine with it.
Just do my part til the best will do.
Loves! ♥