02 March 2014

Studying in le Royaume-Uni.

Good evening readers.
Not too sure if I still have readers but if you are reading this, THANK YOU for not giving up on me!!! :')))

It's 10.25pm now in UK where Malaysia is already 6 in the morning.
I miss home, wouldn't feel bored repeating this phrase, seriously.

As title mentioned, today's post is all about my studies in UK.
I am progressing my bachelor's degree semester 2 now. One word to describe, TOUGH.
Yeah, I had the thought of giving up, but then I decided not to when I thought about my parents.
It was a serious downhill I can say, when no one understands your feelings, and they ain't putting themselves into my shoes. The most F moment. :'(
It's okay.

Honestly, I learnt alot. Learnt how to be strong when there's no people helps you.
I always tell myself that it's okay if you don't give a damn on me, cuz everyone is selfish, it's a fact.
Especially when you're studying abroad where people around you don't have the obligation to care on you,
you have to be strong or you die.

I can't count how many teary nights I've been through.
I can't count how much hair I've lost due to overstress.
I can't count how much thoughts I actually keep it all to myself.
The world is cruel.

I always jealous on my friends around me.
They always have someone who always solve problems for them.
They need no to work harder because money is always in their pockets.

Currently I am planning for a function which more or less similar to the one I did in taylors a year ago.
I am the co-ordinator of my group which means the function is all under my control.
I have to deal with the entertainers in order to get them to sign on a contract that basically written by me. -.-
I have to make sure my teammates are actually doing their roles.
I have to speak alot ENGLISH which isn't my mother language and most of the ang moh couldn't understand me but still, I need to speak to them until they get me.  #superstress
I have to do alot of paper works as there will be a planning report need to be submitted 2 weeks later.
I need to prove what I have done each week and present to the lecturers and tell them how far my team has progressed.

When all these strike on you, frankly I don't have the power to manage. 
Even though the lecturers always giving me positive comments, but still, I don't know.
I left only 1 week for my tickets to sell, to get 70 covers to attend to my function. #fuckthisshitiaintgonnamakeitwtf

Plus, I am taking French class now.
It is so hard for me to learn another language when I can't even use my english properly.
Do you get what I mean?

It is not easy to pursue your studies away from your hometown.
